Homily – Easter Sunday 6 – Year B

Fr Columba McCann osb

One day Jesus was in the temple at Jerusalem and noticed people putting money into the collection box. The rich put in plenty, but they were giving their leftovers. Then a poor widow put in a few cents. It was all she had to live on. It’s a good image of Jesus himself. At the Last Supper Jesus gave his disciples everything he had to give. There, on the table, was his life poured out for them, something which would come to completion the next day on the cross. He was loving them as the Father loved him. He loves us as the Father loves him, and invites us to the same table.

It is easy to forget about that kind of love, partly because it’s so big we can’t even get our minds around it. And sometimes we just forget about it. That is why Jesus says: remain in my love. Don’t get distracted from it; look for signs of it everywhere; bring your mind back to it whenever you get a bit of free mental space. We receive this love in every Eucharist; but it is good to savour the taste of it the rest of the time, especially in moments of prayer.

Nobody talks about the weather the way the Irish do, and when there are even just a day or two of sunshine we go crazy. We are out there in our shorts and t-shirts, working in the garden, walking the beach, having a drink outside the pub instead of inside, having barbecues. We bask in the sun.

Jesus invites us to bask in his love, a love which has no clouds, no sunset. He wants us to do this so that his joy will be in us. He wants us to experience the joy he gets from the Father’s love. Part of his formula is that we love one another has he has loved us. It’s easy to love someone when they give you what you want, or when they love in return. But let’s be honest: loving as Jesus loves is a tall order. It seems just too much. I don’t want to have to give up my little comforts and pleasures and convenience for someone else; I don’t want to let go of my desire for revenge when I fell hurt or put down; I really do want to have the last word when someone disagrees with me. I’ve got a problem with love. And only God can fix that. God is love.

The only way I can love like Jesus is if his love is in me. Which brings us back to his original invitation: remain in my love. Make your home in me as I make mine in you. The more we allow ourselves to receive from Jesus the more we have to give to others.

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